Breaking 1: Base Training Week#3

An apology plus more running

11 min readJun 16, 2024

I felt that last week’s blog was a bit off. I said some things on the blog, things which I am correct in feeling but didn’t need to be uttered on a public forum. Name dropping has never helped anyone. I want to apologize for getting carried away emotionally, it’s very unbecoming.

The thing is wherever I go, people think I am 10 years younger than I really am. Even my own cousins were shocked to learn that I wasn’t in my mid 20s but in fact, I am nearly 34 years old. Mostly, I take it as a compliment and a testament to my lifestyle. (EAT MORE GREEN VEGGIES AND DON’T DRINK ALCOHOL!) However, I feel it is also a curse because I feel nobody takes me seriously. It’s only reason which I can think why people take me lightly. I am not a dimwit and it’s no me or my mother saying that, people have often appreciated what I bring to the table. But off late, I was in a situation where I felt I was always brushed off and felt ignored. Through the process of elimination, I could only assume it is because nobody wants to take orders or suggestion from babyface.

Changing a workplace you have treated as your own child for the last 6 years coupled with certain frustrations led me to the decision of publishing a blog which might have been construed as defamation. In no way, shape or form do I condone that and want to maintain that I had a mostly pleasant time where I worked. No workplace is without its flaws and given where I am in life, it was time to move on. (And no, nobody…

